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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Find count of related list records in parent object - salesforce

Scenario-1): If a customer is already existed with a transaction, then need to throwh the error message.

I would like to find the number of child records in the parent object. here i can use related list i.e. "__r" and  can find the __r size by writing "inner query".

In my example, transaction is child, and customer is parent object.

trigger tranToCustomer on transaction__c (before insert,before update)
        set<id> setCustID = new set<id>();
        for(transaction__c tran: trigger.new)
        map<id,customer__c> mapCustomer = new map<id,customer__c>([select id,name,(select id from transactions__r) from customer__c where id in:setCustID]);
        for(transaction__c tran:trigger.new)
        for(customer__c cust:mapCustomer.values())
                if(cust.transactions__r.size() > 0)
                    tran.adderror('cannot create a record under customer, because one transaction is already exist');


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